Monday 27 June 2011

Quest: Challenge: The Unquenched Flame


While attempting to destroy Úmheryn, the vile cauldron, you must not douse the fire that stands below the cauldron.
This quest will be cancelled if you leave the Northcotton Farms before completing it. This challenge is only completable on Tier 2 Difficulty.

Objective One

  • Locate the source of the noxious fumes
Within Northcotton Farm, there is an odour most foul in the air. Discover the source of the foul odour.

Objective 2

  • Do not quench the fire while defeating Úmheryn
Thadúr the Ravager has nearly completed his fiendish experiments within the remnants of the Northcotton Farm.
The virulent poison that he has concocted would be devestating to the hobbits that dwelll below the farm. You must refrain from dousing the fire beneath the cauldron with the bucket in order to ensure that every remnant of the poison is destroyed.

Objective 3

  • Defeat Thadúr the Ravager
After successfully destroying the remains of Dark Thorn, Thadúr the Ravager now awaits you deeper within the farm.
Seek out Thadúr the Ravager and drive him out of the Northcotton Farms.

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