Wednesday 29 June 2011

World Instance: Stoneheight

Quest:Challenge: The Town of Stoneheight
Quest:The Town of Stoneheight


First Boss - Gundúl
Gundúl has two goblin adds that love to put multiple wound DoTs on you. Either focus fire and burn them down quickly or kite tank Gundúl and one add while burning the other add. Pot wounds immediately as they will stack and be reapplied constantly. After the adds are down, tank and spank Gundúl while interrupting and removing corruptions.

Gundúl will periodically (about every 30s) call out someone's name, at which time he and both adds will attack a random party member. If he calls your name, immediately run as far away as possible. They will give up the chase after a few seconds.

Sometimes the goblins will throw multiple caltrops down at a time that damage and slow. Since you cant see them on the ground, watch your debuff bars for them and run for a bit when they start laying them down.

While the goblin adds can be CCed, any CC will break every time he does this coordinated attack and they will be immune to CC for the next 10s.

Sleeping Wolves

When you get to the sleeping wolfhounds, if you are careful not to step on one, you can walk through their midst without fighting any best to go into walk mode for this (press 'insert'). Otherwise, you have to fight them in groups of three or four (or all 12 in T2). There is an stealthed goblin that paths through the latter half of the sleeping wolfhounds, so to be safe wait to kill it near the top of the first stairs.

Second Boss - Búbhosh-grat
Straightforward tank and spank with interrupts and corruption removals. A missed interrupt applies a curable heavy wound DoT. The main thing to watch out for is his AOE attack that does lethal damage. He mentions something about showing you a trick right before he does it. Búbhosh-grat runs away (at about 8k morale) when he's about to die. He reappears when Dale Truitt's encounter is started. Remove corruptions in order to reduce incoming damage.
"Come closer, children! Let me show you a trick." Right before his AOE. Move away.

Third Boss - Dale Truitt
Búbhosh-grat tells Dale that he wasn't able to kill the PC's and he pleads for help. On Tier 1, Dale kills Búbhosh-grat. Another tank and spank. When he throws caltrops down, pull him to a clear area and continue fighthing. Occasionally he'll stun and disappear into the fog, then reappear a few seconds later charging for an attack. Interrupt and continue fighting. Rinse and repeat.

Tier Two
Challenge Mode: Don't remove any corruptions on the bosses. On Tier 2, players must fight both of them. Búbhosh-grat's trick does twice as much damage with every slash as he did the first time. Occasionally, he random aggroes somebody. Dale will also periodically go into stealth and then reappear at a random location in the room (he does actually walk to this location). When he gets there he will do an induction which will cause a random party member to be stunned and receive approximately 2k damage - interrupt this if you can (but not with a rune-keeper's interrupt if you don't want to fail the challenge!). Dale's caltrops do significant damage on T2 (incurable wound), it is important for your tank to move out of them.

Threkskold-icon.png Threkskold
  • Bind on Acquire
  • Heavy Shield
  • 1,863 Armour
  • -2% Evade Chance
    +10% Ranged Defence
    +1380 All Critical Defence Ratings
    +552 Block Rating
    +552 Melee Defence Rating
    +112 Maximum Morale
    +23 Might
    +101.4 in-Combat Power Regen
  • Tought
  • Durability 100/100
  • Worth: 14 Silver 70 Copper 
Footman's Leggings (Level65)-icon.png Footman's Leggings
  • Unique
  • Bind on Acquire
  • Medium Armour
  • 792 Armour
  • +75 Agility
    +47.1 in-Combat Morale Regen
    +23 Vitality
    +100 Maximum Power
  • Tough
  • Durability 65/65
  • Minimum Level 65
  • Worth: 16 Silver 98 Copper 
Padlock Bracelet-icon.png Padlock Bracelet
  • Bind on Acquire
  • Wrist
  • +23 Vitality
    +23 Fate
    +23 Will
    +225 Maximum Morale
    +100 Maximum Power
  • Normal
  • Durability 80/80
  • Minimum Level 65
  • Worth: 3 Silver 90 Copper 
Dead-breaker-icon.png Dead-breaker
  • Unique
  • Bind on Acquire
  • Bow
  • 139 - 252 Beleriand Damage
  • 88.7 DPS
  • +8 Damage to The Dead
  • Wield: +1% Critical Hits Chance to ranged auto-attacks.
    Greatly reduces threat during ranged combat.
    Wield: Chance of lowering your target´s Armour.
    15% chance to apply.
  • On Use:
  • +30 Vitality
  • Duration: 10m
  • Cooldown: 15m
  • Normal
  • Durability 100/100
  • Minimum Level 65
  • Worth: 15 Silver 45 Copper 
Boots of the Light Step-icon.png Boots of the Light Step
  • Bind on Acquire
  • Light Armour
  • 255 Armour
  • +56 Vitality
    +23 Fate
    +23 Will
    +100 Maximum power
  • Normal
  • Durability 30/30
  • Minimum Level 65
  • Worth: 10 Silver 30 Copper 
Dagger 1 (rare)-icon.png Filigothigil
  • Bind on Acquire
  • Dagger
  • 102 - 170 Beleriand Damage
  • 71.8 DPS
  • Wield: 1% Auto-attack Critical Hit Chance
    +23 Might
    +23 Agility
    +50.4 in-Combat Power Regen
    +23 Vitality
    +109 Maximum Morale
    Wield: Chance of lowering your target´s Armour.
    15% chance to apply
  • Normal
  • Durability 90/90
  • Minimum Level 65
  • Worth: 6 Silver 80 Copper 
Black Onyx Earring-icon.png Black Onyx Earring
  • Unique
  • Bind on Acquire
  • Ear
  • +75 Will
    +138 Ranged Critical Rating
    +23 Agility
    +23 Fate
  • Tough
  • Durability 60/60
  • Minimum Level 65
  • Worth: 5 Silver 10 Copper 
Emerald Signature Ring-icon.png Emerald Signature Ring
  • Bind on Acquire
  • Finger
  • +138 Parry Rating
    +23 Might
    +23 Vitality
    +56 Will
  • Tough
  • Durability 50/50
  • Minimum Level 65
  • Worth: 3 Silver 90 Copper 
Brilliant Gold Ring (Level 65)-icon.png Brilliant Gold Ring (Level 65)
  • Bind on Acquire
  • Finger
  • +23 Agility
    +23 Might
    +56 Vitality
    +23 Will
  • Tough
  • Durability 50/50
  • Minimum Level 65
  • Worth: 3 Silver 90 Copper 
Gem Teardrop Earring-icon.png Gem Teardrop Earring
  • Bind on Acquire
  • Ear
  • +92.4 in-Combat Morale Regen
    +194 Maximum Power
    +136 Melee Critical Rating
    +23 Fate
  • Normal
  • Durability 60/60
  • Minimum Level 65
  • Worth: 3 Silver 40 Copper 

Credit to for the loot table

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