Sunday 11 January 2015

Guide to the healing Runekeeper at 85 - build

In order to be able to heal more efficiently when in a fellowship, the runekeeper has several aspects of their build on which they should focus.  This is particularly true of healing the more challenging 6 or 12 man content.

  1. Stats
  2. Gear and settings
  3. Legacies
  4. Consumables

The actual skills to use will be discussed in another thread.

1. Stats

Will is the most important stat for a runekeeper, whether healing or dps.  For healing, it contributes to your tactical mastery/outgoing healing rating and your total power pool.  For healing, you should focus on getting your will as high as possible.
After will, vitality is the next stat to focus on.  This will contribute to your damage mitigations and your overall morale pool.  You need to ensure that you can take a momentary pounding, if one of the mobs peels off the tank/off-tank and comes for you.  In fact, once you get will to an acceptable level (approx 2000), vitality should then be the point of focus.
Fate and crit rating are probably equal third on the list of stats to focus on.  Fate contributes to your in-combat power regen, which can help when healing long fights, and it contributes to your crit rating, which is handy for those big heals.  Crit rating as a stat only effects your ability to crit, but is often easier to get on items that have will as their main stat.
Might, agility and finesse can all be ignored when healing.

So, at level 75, a well rounded healing runekeeper should be aiming for approximately:

Will 2,000 or higher

2. Gear and settings/gems/runes

Your armour and jewellery should be selected based on their contribution to your stats, as above.

Runekeepers use three items to then heal, in addition to armour and jewellery.

  1. Runestone - now that affinity (fire/frost/lightning) has no bearing on any in-game mechanic, there is no preferred choice when looking for a runestone to heal with.  Leave dps at it's lowest rank, as it contributes nothing when healing and leaves you more Legendary Item points to spend elsewhere.
  2. Rune-satchel - the base stat on a satchel is a direct modifier to outgoing healing, so this should be maxed first
  3. Riffler or chisel - this will go in your class slot.  There are several options available, anything that boosts tactical mastery (outgoing healing) and decreases threat is good.

As with all classes, settings, gems and runes should then be used to boost areas of your build that require it.  If your morale is quite low, get some settings that increase morale as well as tactical mastery  Gems can be used to boost crit rating. The standard runes aren't particularly useful for a runekeeper, as they tend to favour block rating and incoming healing, so you'll need to meld a higher level one to access one that will be of use.

3. Legacies

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