Friday 24 June 2011

World Instance: North Cotton Farm


NCF is all about the poison, if you can avoid that and the boss special attacks you can complete NCF without a primary healer.

The 'trash' mobs in this instance come as (part one) spiders, (part two) wolves/dogs, (part three) boars and (part four) goblins.  These are all manageable and come in groups of three or four, though the spiders do have a couple of wandering mobs to watch out for.  Remember to loot the boars for the 'A Little Piece of Home in Evendim' quest.

First Boss - Lengbarthil
The tank should start this fight by grabbing aggro and then running to the back wall since Lengbarthil shoots a poison cloud immediately after. The animation for the poison cloud looks like a white line spit attack towards the tank. Be aware of this animation the whole fight so you'll be able to move away from new clouds before they appear. 

The same animation is used to root players who don't have aggro. If a player gets rooted, pull Lengbarthil away so that player doesn't get stuck in the poison cloud that Lengbarthil shoots soon after. The tank should also try to tank away from the ranged players so that they don't have to move much during the fight. 

Three egg sacs with about 3k morale appear during the fight at set morale levels (approximately 80k, 45k and 15k) which need to be dealt with quickly or they hatch three spiderlings that will heal Lengbarthil for about 10k each if they reach her. The tank should run away from the egg as soon as it comes out so that a poison cloud won't be dropped on it. If spiders start moving toward the boss you can stun them which apparently disrupts the heal, or try to kill them. 

Second Boss -Úmheryn
 Thadúr is up on a rickety wood tower with Úmheryn (a vile cauldron) in which Thadúr is brewing a poison to put into the shire's water supply. There are four elements to this fight:
  • One player will have Thadúr's eye on them (big green eye above your head) and will drop damaging poison clouds wherever they move to. This is one of only two sources of damage in the fight and the player with the eye should run in a designated area away from the rest of the group to avoid dropping puddles on them. The eye will first appear on the player who gets initial proximity aggro to the cauldron and will cycle through the two players who do not currently have aggro on the cauldron for the rest of the fight. If one of those two players dies, the person who has aggro can get the eye which makes the fight significantly harder.
  • Hobbits will run out and try to eat the poisoned pies and will need to receive a /slap -- bind that to a hotbar with "/shortcut ## /slap" where ## is a number. 1-12 is your regular hotbar, 13-24 is your Ctrl+ hotbar, 25-36 is your Alt+ hotbar, etc.
  • The fight is a DPS race, as if the Thadúr is given enough time to concoct his brew and poison the well, you lose. Thadúr will give two warnings that you are about to run out of time, one with approximately 2min and then he will say that you have one minute remaining. For this reason it is important, particularly on tier 2, that you have one player designated as DPS and that they do not get the eye throughout the fight. If they do get the eye they will waste time running around instead of damaging the cauldron. This means that this person should not be the first player to get aggro and also they must be allowed to build aggro on the cauldron early in the fight (and not lose it). Other players should contribute what damage they can without interfering with the primary DPS player by dropping puddles in inconvenient locations.
  • The cauldron will periodically bubble over, giving any players in melee range an eye similar to Thadúr's eye. There are two warnings for this happening, first you will be warned that the fire is lit and the cauldron is getting hot and then Thadúr will tell you it is about to bubble over just before it does. After the first warning appears, a bucket will light up which you can pick up and douse the fire with by running past it. Alternatively you can just run out of melee range briefly after Thadúr gives his warning to avoid the spillover or stay and take the damage as long as a healer has time to keep you alive.
Once you destroy the cauldron Thadúr runs off. 

Third Boss -  Thadúr The Raveger
Thadúr does a distributed damage attack and he drops poison clouds that do AoE damage if you stand in them. This version of Thadúr has more morale/power than the level 65 version in The Great Barrow but he is only an Elite Master instead of a Nemesis. He will call out one of five things periodically throughout the fight:
  • "Divided you shall fall." Distributed damage attack, group up.
  • "I shall unleash a gift upon those that face me." Get behind him.
  • "Poisonous vapors shall grant me strength." Remove this corruption ASAP, it will put a non-removable poison on the entire party.
  • "You shall behold the power of Dark Thorn." Thadúr will drop a moderately damaging poison cloud on himself.
  • "This poison shall have a most interesting effect." Thadúr will randomly select a player and cast an effect on them. This effect can include a stun or a fear. Note: if you get feared while standing next to the entrance door, the fight can bug and reset Thadúr. Stay away from this door for this reason or pot it immediately.
It is recommended that all party members group up close to Thadúr, with the tank in front and the other two party members right behind. This means you will not need to move at all for the "divided you shall fall" attack. The tank can simply run through Thadúr when he does his frontal "face me" attack. As the fight goes on, these effects will come more frequently and can come on top of each other. Watch out for a combination of the "dark thorn" and "divided you shall fall" effects as you might be running away from the thorn effect when you need to be grouping up. If you have a primary healer in your group, you can probably sit through the dark thorn poison cloud if you want to make the fight a bit less chaotic (it's not as damaging as the spider boss cloud). If you deal with all of these special abilities, you will take very little damage throughout the fight, Thadúr doesn't hit that hard with his normal attacks. 

An optional strategy is to have ranged players stand back out of range of the "divided you shall fall" attack for the whole fight, keeping Thadúr's back toward them at all times. Melee classes will take more damage, a trade-off for less players to heal. 

Tier One
In Tier 1 the damage done by the trash and bosses is less. You also have longer to take down Úmheryn and Thadúr has fewer special attacks and won't use them as often.
Tier Two
Don't use buckets on the cauldron. Also, the hobbits will run quickly toward the poison pies instead of walking slowly.
Avorcham-icon.png Avorcham
  • Bind on Acquire
  • Medium Armour
  • Chest
  • 889 Armour
  • +23 Agility
    +46 Might
    +23 Will
    +23 Vitality
  • Normal
  • Durability 65/65
  • Minimum Level 65
  • Set: Discarded Keepsakes
  • Worth: 11 Silver 48 Copper 
Gem-studded Bracelet-icon.png Gem-studded Bracelet
  • Bind on Acquire
  • Wrist
  • +138 Block Rating
    +23 Agility
    +51 in-Combat Power Regen
    +23 Vitality
    +23 Might
    +112 Maximum Morale
  • Tough
  • Durability 80/80
  • Minimum Level 65
  • Worth: 3 Silver 90 Copper 
Amethyst Gold Silver Bracelet-icon.png Amethyst Gold Silver Bracelet
  • Unique
  • Bind on Acquire
  • Wrist
  • +225 Maximum Morale
    +138 Block Rating
    +23 Might
    +23 Vitality
    On any Common damage:
    10% chance to Reflect 25 damage
  • Normal
  • Durability 80/80
  • Minimum Level 65
  • Worth: 5 Silver 85 Copper 
Rider's Leggings-icon.png Rider's Leggings
  • Unique
  • Bind on Acquire
  • Light Armour
  • 559 Armour
  • +75 Will
    +23 Fate
    +23 Vitality
    +100 Maximum Power
  • Tough
  • Durability 40/40
  • Minimum Level 65
  • Worth: 15 Silver 75 Copper 
Cloak 1 (rare)-icon.png Túrchol
  • Bind on Acquire
  • Light Armour
  • Back
  • 383 Armour
  • +46 Fate
    +23 Will
    +23 Vitality
    +109 Maximum Morale
    +97 Power
  • Normal
  • Durability 40/40
  • Minimum Level 65
  • Worth: 9 Silver 90 Copper 
Sarenzer-icon.png Sarenzer
  • Bind on Acquire
  • Ear
  • +225 Maximum Morale
    +138 Melee Critical Rating
    +23 Might
    +23 Vitality
    +23 Agility
  • Tough
  • Durability 60/60
  • Minimum Level 65
  • Worth: 3 Silver 40 Copper 
Hithlain Threads-icon.png Hithlain Threads
  • Bind on Acquire
  • Pocket
  • +828 Melee Defence Rating
    +138 Block Rating
    +138 Evade Rating
    +138 Parry Rating
    +23 Might
  • Normal
  • Durability 100/100
  • Minimum Level 65
  • Worth: 15 Silver 42 Copper 
Many Gemmed Necklace-icon.png Many Gemmed Necklace
  • Bind on Acquire
  • Neck
  • +136 Evade Rating
    +816 Wound Resist Rating
    +23 Vitality
    +23 Will
    +23 Might
    +23 Agility
  • Normal
  • Durability 80/80
  • Minimum Level 65
  • Worth: 4 Silver 90 Copper 
Cloak 1 (rare)-icon.png Cloak of Urun
  • Bind on Acquire
  • Light Armour
  • 390 Armour
  • +56 Might
    +138 Evade Rating
    +23 Vitality
    +100 Maximum Power
  • Normal
  • Durability 40/40
  • Worth: 9 Silver 90 Copper 
High-crested Helm-icon.png High-crested Helm
  • Bind on Acquire
  • Heavy Armour
  • 351 Armour
  • +56 Vitality
    +23 Will
    +23 Might
    +23 Agility
  • Tough
  • Durability 90/90
  • Minimum Level 65
  • Worth: 13 Silver 26 Copper 

Credit for the bits I couldn't remember to

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